Thursday, October 19, 2006

A Reality Check on PatchGuard

Hackers have already broken PatchGuard and can disable it. This means that hackers can already get malicious code into the Windows Vista kernel; while legitimate security vendors can no longer protect it. This presents a serious new risk for consumers and enterprises worldwide. Now, you may ask yourself, if hackers can bypass PatchGuard, why don’t security vendors? We certainly could, if we chose to; however, Microsoft has firmly stated that any attempt to do so will result in an update to PatchGuard, which will detect these attempts. It would be foolish for Symantec to ship a product out to over 200 million desktops that may result in a BSOD on each desktop, if Microsoft decides to update PatchGuard.
Read the post in Symantec security response weblog.
+Update: MS to McAfee: Stop Lying to the Public


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