As technology in the hospital environment continues to evolve and move forward, Intrusion Detection Systems must be an instrumental part of an organizations security posture. There is too much at risk, legally and organizationally, to not be aware of vulnerability exploits, attacks, and other threats. These are the kinds of things that we must monitor and track to ensure the integrity of our systems. Intrusion Detection is one tool that should be deployed to help maintain this integrity... Once we have an Intrusion Detection Solution in place, we must be ever vigilant in maintaining them to insure optimal performance. IDS is a ever evolving arena so we must do everything that we can to insure what we have works as efficiently and effectively as possible. Even with the most effective system possible, we are only helping to eliminate the risk. As stated by Cuvusoglu, Mishra, and Raghunathan, “even the best IDSs could only detect about 80% of the attacks”. Great care in the selection and placement of IDS in a hospital environment must be taken to fully realize it’s benefits. ('Intrusion Detection Systems in Hospitals: What, Why, and Where.')
I am aware of some famous HISs (Hospital Information Systems) developed and being used in Iran, and I must say that they are so poor in security side. Islamic Republic of Iran Ministry of Health and Medical Education is working on an 'Integrated Health Information System' which will be distributed country-wide and I wish it would be better than that HISs.
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