'Detailed Exploit' Published for Critical Windows Flaw (RASMAN)
In an unusual move, Microsoft has released a formal security advisory to warn of the publication of "detailed exploit code" that targets a critical Windows vulnerability. (eweek)Read this eweek article. See mataspolit response to microsoft's move.
Although this exploit (microsoft Bulletin MS06-025) mostly affects Win2K (critical) and its hardly enough for win2K3 or XP (important) but the way microsoft choosed to response is odd and funny even if microsoft afraids that this may cause writing a world-spreed worm. I believe in "full disclosure" philosophy that its final result is to force the programmers to write safer codes - instead of praying for regular security patches. I also don't prefer "responsible disclosure" because it is not so effective -and cutting- compared to the former.
hey pal pls write under diploma we dont understand!!!
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